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footbindfootbinding我叫孙静今年30岁原版震惊整个世界新服预约排队视频内容惊艳《上班没带罩被捏》_兄弟:跟新后改进明显!b站必须看的4000个视频兄弟:太好用了无敌!(原始内容存档于2019-01-01).  Drucker, Alison R. The Influence of Western Women on the Anti-Footbinding Movement Historical Reflections, Vol. 8, No. 3, Women in China: Current。


(原始内容存档于2019-01-01).  Drucker, Alison R. "The Influence of Western Women on the Anti-Footbinding Movement" Historical Reflections, Vol. 8, No. 3, Women in China: Current。

是引用日本学者福田和彦在《中国春宫画》页93的说法。日人永尾龙造亦指出,有钱人喜好缠足女,性交时,其玉门紧缩“宛若处子”(Chinese Footbinding -- The History of a Curious Erotic Custom, 页34, H.S. Levy)。。

shi yin yong ri ben xue zhe fu tian he yan zai 《 zhong guo chun gong hua 》 ye 9 3 de shuo fa 。 ri ren yong wei long zao yi zhi chu , you qian ren xi hao chan zu nv , xing jiao shi , qi yu men jin suo “ wan ruo chu zi ” ( C h i n e s e F o o t b i n d i n g - - T h e H i s t o r y o f a C u r i o u s E r o t i c C u s t o m , ye 3 4 , H . S . L e v y ) 。 。


home and the remaining 25.7% at private clinics." Gerry Mackie, 1996: "Footbinding and infibulation correspond as follows. Both customs are nearly universal。

California Press, 2001) and ”Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding” (University of California Press, 2005). This book is awarded the Joan。

Tai Huan Kuan),第15页,载於Google图书 Wang (2000), p. 135 Aching for Beauty: Footbinding in China,第135页,载於Google图书 Goodrich (1976), p. 691 Dictionary of Ming。

Ko, Dorothy (2007). Cinderella's Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding. 柏克莱:加州大学出版社。ISBN 0520253906. Krebs, Robert E. (2003). The Basics of。

Ko, Dorothy (2007). Cinderella's Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding. 柏克莱:加州大学出版社。ISBN 0520253906. Krebs, Robert E. (2003). The Basics of。


Ko, Dorothy (2007). Cinderella's Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding. 柏克莱:加州大学出版社。ISBN 0520253906. Krebs, Robert E. (2003). The Basics of。